Ultimate guide to Website hosting cost in Australia

Ultimate guide to Website hosting cost in Australia
24 February 2021 Blog 0 Comment

Finding a suitable Website hosting in Australia can be quite tricky as There are many options out there. This article wants to look at different types of the most popular website hosting, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, cloud hosting, and WordPress hosting.

When it comes to website hosting in Australia, we face too many options, no worries Maate! We narrow it down for you and compare the best website hosting in users eyes. These include Bluehost, Hostgator, A2hosting, Dreamhost and InMotion. We will talk about the upsides and downsides. On top of it, we compare the price of different website hosting.

It’s free. At the end of this article, if you still have any hesitation in choosing the right hosting in Australia, fill out the contact us form or leave a comment below this article; we will suggest the right one.

So join us!

What is web hosting, and how does it work?

Web hosting can be considered an invisible foundation in cyberspace. After selecting the name for the domain and registering it, you will have an Internet address. However, when you enter your website address in the browser, it looks like this address is not registered.
In fact, the address is registered, and the only thing it does not have has a source to display its information. Join us in this article to learn how to calculate website hosting costs. Do not doubt that by the end of this article, we will answer all your questions!

Importance of web hosting in business

Every type of website needs a home to access files at any time and place. All code and files are stored on the host when visitors to your website receive information from there. In fact, the web host has the same task. For example, if we consider cyberspace and the Internet as a piece of land, this piece needs to be hosted somewhere.

The importance of good hosting is that it will almost always be available and online if there is good hosting for a website. Another feature of good hosting is its scalability. In such a fiercely competitive environment, one must be well-hosted.

The goal is for your website to be seen by others on the Internet. You need to make sure you have your website up and running on a server that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This server is actually a web host. Do not forget that you should choose the hosting that best suits your plans and needs.

Types of hosting and their costs per month

5 Types of Web Hosting in Australia and their costs

There are different types of hosting, such as shared, cloud, VPS and more. There is usually a choice of design in each type of hosting. Host Gator, for example, has three shared hosting programs: hatching, child, and business. First, we need to know about the different types of web hosting and the importance of the differences between them.

If you rather watch a video instead of reading an article this youtube video compare the benefits of different type of website hosting:

Benefits Of Shared Hosting That May Change Your decision.

Shared hosting refers to a web hosting service in which multiple websites are hosted on a single server connected to the Internet. As the name implies, all hardware resources such as Cpu and Ram and even software such as Mail and Ftp. A server is shared between several websites. In fact, hardware resources on such servers are shared fairly among all users. Shared hosting is the most cost-effective way to set up an online site because the cost of maintaining a server is shared among all users.

A specific amount of space and bandwidth can be allocated to each host. Usually, the experts of the hosting and data centre company are responsible for maintaining the network structure, hardware, establishing security and updating it. Users do not need to have technical information for such cases. This method is not possible for high traffic sites. High volume sites must provide a virtual server and a dedicated server. A shared server with the lowest cost and minimum facilities enables new users to be online quickly and have room for growth and development.

Cost of Shared Hosting according to its providers

Who can use a shared host?


  • You are experimenting and testing in the field of web design and programming.
  • You are running a small business or startup.
  • You are studying and learning programs like Joomla or WordPress.
  • You do not need web category to install programming.
  • You have little experience in web hosting services.
  • You are looking to keep costs down.
  • You are looking to design a small business website either for yourself or your friends.
    You can use this service!

How shared hosting works

According to the above, shared hosting is a single server hosting multiple sites. Depending on the space available in Hard, Cpu, etc., the number of sites can vary from a few hundred to several thousand. The files of each user related to a website and each application are stored in separate partitions on the server. Users do not have access to each other’s root package or files. All accounts on the shared server are shared in the webserver computing resources.

Shared hosting fee

Now we want to take a closer look at shared hosting costs. It should be noted that many of the pricing you will see here are primary promotional pricing. For example, we will inform you of the initial and specific pricing of the month or years of service. Of course, with the end of the advertising period, it is possible to increase your monthly expenses!

PlansA2 HostingBlueHostDreamHostHostGatorInMotion
Entry$ 2.99$ 2.95$ 2.59$ 2.75$ 2.49
Mid-Tier$ 4.99$ 5.45$ 3.95$ 4.99
Highest$ 14.99$ 13.95$ 5.95$ 5.95$ 12.99
Locked-in3 Years3 Years3 Years3 Years3 Years


Advantages of shared hosting

  1. Cheap and easy to use
  2. Technical support
  3. Provide security and maintenance by the web hosting provider
  4. Use of this service is recommended for newly established and start-up websites.

Disadvantages of shared hosting

  1. You have less flexibility and possibilities than dedicated web hosting.
  2. In this system, resources are used collectively; therefore, excessive use of one site will slow down other sites on the server.
  3. Impossibility of server management
  4. SSH access is not available in principle.


In this way, you share the main server and usable space with other people. All web hosting resources are shared and people’s share is predetermined. The average cost of shared hosting is $ 2.49 to $ 15 per month.

Why Is VPS Hosting So Famous?

A Virtual Private Server is a virtual machine provided by Internet hosting services. A dedicated virtual server or VPS has a separate operating system, and customers have Root or Superuser access to the operating system. As a result, they can install any software they want on that server.

In many ways, a virtual server can be considered practically equivalent to a dedicated and physical server, with the difference that these types of servers are much easier to create and configure. In other words, using technology such as Virtuozzo, Vmware, etc., using compelling and advanced hardware, a physical server is divided into several VPS with the same features and different resources.

VPS hosting is one of the most popular services or hosting services you can use for your website. To have your web page on the Internet, you need to host it on virtual and physical servers. Having a dedicated server is very expensive, and it is too difficult for ordinary people with little knowledge to manage. Is; That’s why it’s so cost-effective to use virtual dedicated servers.

If your website traffic is high, having a dedicated server and renting it makes sense. But most people who work in this environment do not need to buy a dedicated server, and with the space and small volume of the server, their needs are met. If you are just starting, we recommend that you use a shared host to host your website. But if you have concluded that having a dedicated server can help you, we suggest using virtual dedicated servers or VPS.

VPS hosting and its cost in australia VPS hosting and its cost in australia

Which websites need VPS hosting?

  • Websites that require services with special settings and configuration.
  • The site’s consumption has exceeded the limit of using shared web hosting services, but it is still not so high that it is necessary to spend exorbitant costs to purchase a dedicated server.
Advantages of VPS:

If security issues are critical to you and you are thinking of increasing them, we suggest using VPS. Virtual servers with features such as having more space for data recovery and backup, advanced monitoring capabilities, increasing the website’s efficiency, adding the possibility of online payment, etc., can help you achieve your goal.

Using a virtual server relative to the shared hosting space significantly improves the speed and performance of the site. These benefits include:

  1. Online-store:
    If you plan to set up an online store, we suggest that you use virtual servers, as many of these servers have been very successful in monitoring users’ bank card information by passing numerous tests and security tests.
  2. Increase user visits to your website:
    If your website has just started, a shared host or hosting may be enough for you, but as soon as your audience grows, you need to think about changes. Consider limiting the website as you visit it and upgrade your servers to VPS.
  3. Avoid slowing down
    When you start, due to the low volume of traffic, your website will definitely not be a problem, but as soon as the number of contents of your website increased and the number of visitors also increased, and you came to your website too slowly. You will encounter hence the use of virtual servers is more than necessary.

VPS hosting fee

PlansA2 HostingBlueHostiPageHostGatorInMotion
Entry$ 25$ 18.99$ 19.99$ 19.95$ 22.99
Mid-Tier$ 35$ 29.99$ 47.99$ 29.95$ 17.99
Highest$ 50$ 59.99$ 79.99$ 39.95$ 54.99
Locked-in2 Years3 Years1 Month3 Years3 Years


In many ways, a virtual server can be considered practically equivalent to a dedicated and physical server, with the difference that these types of servers are much easier to create and configure. The cheapest VPS hosting for the InMotion plan. This design gives you security, 4 terabytes of bandwidth and power. You can get it all at a discount of $ 17.99 per month.

Is Dedicated Hosting Any Good? Some Ways You Can Be Certain.

How does dedicated hosting work?

In all web hosting models, the website of the account holders is maintained on the servers of a hosting company, which according to the hosting plan, is responsible for maintaining and, to some extent managing the website.

To reduce costs, shared hosting providers put many of these accounts on one server to use server sharing resources. In this environment, any website can be affected by the behaviour of neighbours on the server.

A sudden increase in website traffic can cause other websites to slow down or experience downtime. Even simple security solutions provided by the host may not stop the malicious activity that infects websites through shared technology. Because shared hosting is designed for small, low-traffic websites, the website account may be cancelled when the monthly traffic volume of a site of a style provided by the provider exceeds.

Dedicated hosting offers a flexible but effective alternative but avoids the hassle of being both a growing website with increasing traffic and a corporate website developed. This hosting model of a service company, according to the hosting plans of a server, provides all its resources to a customer and also offers him different degrees of support and maintenance.

A dedicated host is one of the best-selling and most popular hosts and hosts used by webmasters. This host has more features and capabilities than other hosts and is usually more welcomed. In this example of a host, you have full access to a dedicated server. This means that all resources will be provided to you in full. Dedicated servers are more popular because they can provide resources to the designer and administrator indefinitely.

Dedicated hosting and its cost Dedicated hosting and its cost

Advantages of Dedicated Hosting:

  1. You will benefit by increasing security, precisely by increasing speed and power.
  2. Use for an email server, database server, process server, etc.
  3. You have complete control over how your server is set up.
  4. Your site is given a lot of assets so that it can be developed after a while.
  5. Use in various technical disciplines of engineering, medicine, military and…
Disadvantages of Dedicated Hosting:
  1. This type of hosting program will cost you more for other collections.
  2. Dedicated servers need more specialized information to run properly.

How much does a dedicated hosting cost in Australia?

PlansA2 HostingBlueHostiPageHostGatorInMotion
Entry$ 141.09$ 79.99$ 119.99$ 89.98$ 139.99
Mid-Tier$ 207.49$ 99.99$ 151.99$ 119.89$ 189.99
Highest$ 290.49$ 119.99$ 191.99$ 139.99$ 259.99
Locked-in1 Year3 Years1 Month3 Years1 Year

If you need a dedicated host, there are three basic approaches you can take!

  1. Having a dedicated host takes your physical server, which means you can arrange it any way you like. If you are a motor client or have particular preconditions for setting up your server, dedicated hosting has all the necessary features. For example, you can set up a firewall that meets your specific security specifications.
  2. Security in a shared hosting program is regularly convenient for travellers and increasingly close to home destinations. That way, your organization may need the extra security that a dedicated host provides, especially if it controls touch information, such as visas. Dedicated hosting offers first-class security because you can design the entire server to handle your problems.
  3. Another part of a dedicated server feature is that it performs better on a cross-server server, for which you pay less than a few locals. Using a spike on a site can destroy your assets, which means that the site you want to have a busy day may slow down your site.
    Too many visitors can ruin your site right away. In any case, on a dedicated server, each of its assets is stored solely for your site. As long as your site is developing, a dedicated host is an ideal way to reduce accumulation time.


Dedicated hosting is a versatile but efficient solution that reduces the headache of creating a growing website with the traffic and a corporate website built at the same time. Dedicated hosting costs an average of $ 80 to $ 300 per month. Out of the top 5 dedicated hosting providers, the cheapest plan is offered through Bluehost for $ 79.99 per month. The most expensive program plan is for A2 provider.

Bluehost provider program allows you to control and reassure which program you choose; in fact, such a provider is great for getting started.

How Cloud Hosting Is Going To Change Your Business Strategies.

Who may use cloud hosting?

  1. Users who want to enjoy the benefits of dedicated hosting without dealing with its challenges can use cloud web hosting to meet their needs in this area.
  2. Cloud web hosting is a solution for websites that have increasing resources in shared hosting services.
  3. If there is a problem with using dedicated hosting, including its high cost and the need to know a certain level of information technology, cloud web hosting can be considered a suitable option.
  4. If a website is trendy and has an average number of visitors, it may pressure the resources provided by a shared server. In such cases, it may be necessary to use cloud web hosting as a basic solution.
  5. If the business is small and does not have much risk of power, using a cloud site is an excellent option.
  6. When a website hosts applications related to a particular business or when applications need to be developed, using the cloud web hosting method is a good option.
  7. If a website has a critical mission and can not function without it, using a cloud hosting service is a good idea. Also, many store websites, popular sites and company websites are hosted on this platform.
  8. Given that cloud hosting is scalable, these hosting services seem to be a good option for news organizations that expect many clicks on their posts. This service is very desirable for most websites that have continuous and serious activity.

Cloud hosting is another hosting! Cloud hosting is another hosting!

How does cloud hosting work?

Cloud hosting provides a virtual server that you have complete control over. Like a dedicated server, you can get dedicated resources, a dedicated IP address and much more. In general, cloud computing is the act of storing, managing, and processing data on a network of Internet-hosted servers.

A cloud hosting provider generally uses a group of servers connected over a network that work together to provide web hosting services. Servers have a load balancing policy to use resources evenly and reduce the risk of error. Cloud servers have fault tolerance. Therefore, the error does not affect one server and the other. A good resemblance to a cloud server is the power grid, which delivers energy (bandwidth, storage space, etc.) quickly and reliably.

Of course, you should keep in mind that the service is on-demand. This means that it will be provided to you only when you request the service. For example, pressing the power button turns on the light, and when you turn off the light, this energy is returned to someone else for use in the network.

Cloud hosting operates in a pay-as-you-use structure. This means that if your website has a certain traffic level, and you do not want to pay too much for your consumption, cloud hosting is a good solution for you.

Cloud services are a subset of hosting services. Cloud applications are enabled via the web. Instead of being based on physical hardware, they are hosted in a shared virtual environment. All you need to do is install a server and a device with an internet connection. Cloud servers can be configured according to your business needs to provide different performance levels, security and control.

Advantages of Cloud hosting:
  1. Given that the cloud platform uses clustered servers, you can rest assured that the website you have is online most of the time and will not crash with increasing incoming traffic or server crashes.
  2. In traditional hosting services, you have to pay a certain monthly rate, and it does not depend on whether it uses all the server resources or not. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use.
  3. On most cloud servers, you will have access to the site management dashboard. This access allows you to see the performance of your website in real-time, and you can reduce or increase server resources without having to wait for approval from your hosting provider. The user interface of these dashboards is usually simple, and anyone can understand it.
  4. Cloud servers can provide you with high speed. Since the servers’ cluster is intended for the website, it will be distributed over multiple sources, and less pressure will be applied to each of the servers. This cluster hosting speeds up the loading of the website.
  5. One of the biggest problems traditional hosting services face is the risk of server attacks and loss. With cloud hosting, you do not need to worry about this. Since the data is homogeneously hosted on the cloud platform, the data is scattered on different servers, and the hacker cannot easily access them.
  6. Cloud hosting is often available. Since your website on this platform actually uses multiple server resources, in case of offline or technical problems, one server can be transferred to another server.
Disadvantages of Cloud hosting:
  1. Requires advanced knowledge and expertise. This model of hosting is not a good choice to launch your first website.

How much does cloud hosting cost?

PlansA2 HostingBlueHostSiteGroundHostGatorInMotion
Entry$ 5$ 2.95$ 80$ 4.5$ 5
Mid-Tier$ 10$ 5.45$ 160$ 12$ 30
Highest$ 15$ 13.95$ 240$ 48$ 160
Locked-in3 Years3 Years1 Month1 Month1 Month

Summary :

A cloud hosting provider usually employs a set of servers connected by a network to offer web hosting services. The average cost of cloud hosting is between $ 4.5 and $ 240 per month. You can use this host as a savior when your business is threatened with failure. The most affordable cloud host is provided by DremHost for $ 4.5 a month.

Things That Make You Love And Hate WordPress Hosting

What are the popular benefits of hosting WordPress?

In most cases, proper hosting for WP websites is WordPress hosting. In fact, these hosts are configured to show great performance in addition to being compatible with WordPress. This fact also provides a set of WordPress management features. This way, website owners can easily maintain their website without having to spend extra resources. In this section, we want to discuss the benefits of WordPress hosting.

  1. WordPress hosting has pre-installed plugins that help you get the job done easily.
  2. Another very important benefit of WordPress hosting is the automatic WordPress update so you will always be up to date.
  3. Scanning and security of daily malware using GodeGuard is another feature of WordPress host that protects your site from hacker attacks.
  4. Managed services that make WordPress maintenance and management easier.
  5. In WordPress hosting, all infrastructure is based on the cloud, which makes your website highly scalable.
  6. The high compatibility of WordPress makes the performance of WP websites much higher.
  7. Because the WordPress host is already installed, this prepares an environment with extensive plugins for developers.

In order to be able to understand the details of each of the above, we want to describe each one separately. Stay with us.

The efficiency of this hosting will speed up your work.

Given that each software has its own system requirements, such a component can determine the level of software performance. Therefore, WordPress, like other software, has its ideal system requirements.

When using web hosting, make sure the hardware, operating system, and software configuration are running efficiently. Having such a compatibility in the WordPress system assures the site owner that it will not encounter performance problems. It should be noted that the host website may be corrupted or temporarily taken out of service when the system does not work properly. Such cases, if they occur, will have a serious impact on the website and the visitor experience.

You will always be up to date with automatic WordPress updates!

Automatic WordPress updates are another important benefit of WordPress hosting. Remember that each update comes with a number of improvements and bug fixes. If you do not update your WordPress host, there will be major bugs and improvements. Your website may also be exposed to external security threats. You remove such threats from your website with the automatic WordPress hosting update feature. In rare cases, the web you are hosting may not be compatible with newer versions of WordPress. In such cases, turning off auto-updates may be compatible, but your security will be compromised.

Pre-installed WordPress makes your job easier.

This feature is great for developers who are constantly getting WordPress projects. If you install WordPress, you will no longer need to spend time downloading and installing CMS on the server. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. This will ensure that you do not have to worry about compatibility and save a lot of time.

Excellent security and backup will eliminate your worries.

Top websites and backup tools are WordPress hosting package options. In the event of a disaster, Code Guard automatically backs up the website periodically to get enough recovery points. Another tool that WordPress hosting is equipped with is Site Lock. Such a tool continuously and regularly monitors the website in terms of security threats and malware. In case of any problems, such software will inform you to take the necessary actions. Another feature of SiteLock is that it can be configured automatically to deal with security threats in the event of an encounter.

Cloud-based hosting in this hosting

Cloud-based hosting is one of the biggest benefits of WordPress hosting programs. In fact, it can be said that the disadvantages of cloud hosting in WordPress hosting have been fixed. These benefits include a high level of reliability and scalability at the click of a button. The reason for this is that there is no breakdown. It should be noted that Varnish Cache in the cloud-based WordPress environment that will increase the speed of your website by about 1000%!

Managed services in WordPress hosting will manage everything.

The inclusion of managed services is another benefit of a WordPress host. This means that all the maintenance of your website is easily done by the WordPress hosting team. If you do not have managed services, the website owner is responsible for maintaining WordPress, in which case it will require a lot of resources. Storage scalability of hosted resources such as RAM and CPU is managed services.

As your website grows, you will need more hosting resources to control the amount of incoming traffic. This can be easily done by a managed team. WordPress database optimization is another managed service. WordPress database provides you with all the important information of your website such as posts, cookies, plugin settings, etc. As your website grows, so will your database. Note that large WordPress databases are usually slow and need to be optimized so that they do not affect the speed of the entire website. The managed host team resolves such cases on its own without the need for intervention.

You will receive pre-installed plugins like Jetpack!

For WordPress development plugins that form a very strong database. With the plugin, it is possible to do any job and function. Some essential plugins, such as the Jetpack plugin, are integrated by WordPress hosting applications. With this plugin, tasks such as preparing WordPress themes, marketing services such as analytics, automated social media and search tools, payment gateway integration and advanced security for the website are easily managed and done.

Wordpress hosting and its cost in Australia

Who can use WordPress hosting?

  1. All people who are looking for a powerful and professional host for their website can use this service.
  2. WordPress hosting is very suitable for sites that use WordPress as a CMS. In fact, WordPress hosting is a type of web hosting that is optimized for WP.
  3. Today you can find any type of WordPress template for WordPress, including blog, news magazine, company, real estate consultant, download, personal, store, medical and educational. So WordPress today can launch any type of site for you.
  4. If you are somewhat familiar with programming and coding, you can easily do any personalization on WordPress. This is one of the reasons why WordPress is so popular among web designers.
  5. For those who want their website to be displayed properly on different screens and in different dimensions and is fully compatible with all smartphones, WordPress hosting is a good option.
  6. For those who are concerned about security issues as well as backup, WordPress hosting is an acceptable option.
  7. It does not matter how big the site you want to create because using WordPress, any site with any amount of data can create information.
  8. For those who want to install the most powerful content management system globally on their site, choosing WordPress can be the best option on the table.
    Disadvantages of WordPress hosting:
    • Resources are shared with other WordPress sites.
    • It may have relatively little control and flexibility.
    • Remember that updates are not always buggy.

    How much does WordPress hosting cost?

    PlansA2 HostingBlueHostSiteGroundWPengineInMotion
    Entry$ 11.99$ 19.95$ 6.99$ 25$ 4.99
    Mid-Tier$ 18.99$ 29.45$ 9.99$ 241$ 7.99
    Highest$ 36.99$ 49.95$ 14.99$ 828$ 10.99
    Locked-in3 Years3 Years1 Year1 Year3 Years


    The average cost of a WordPress host is between $ 4.99 and $ 830 per month. The cheapest Inmotion plan, priced at $ 4.99 per month, supports 20,000 monthly visitors and includes features such as staging and a security suite.

    Why Switching website Hosting Is Important

    Typically, moving a website to another host depends on the host, the number of files, extensions, and images on your website. Such items will cost between $ 150 and $ 400 for your website. You may want to move your website to another web-hosting provider for a variety of reasons.

    If you have the skills and time to do this, you can switch hosting providers yourself for free. Of course, many people cannot easily transfer their entire website to other servers. But do not worry, you can set a cost for your new host to do all the work for you easily.

    Extra web hosting costs to consider

    There may be some costs involved when setting up your website. Such expenses are called hidden expenses that you may not have really thought about. You must have a domain name in addition to the hosting package. Now, we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground.

    Domain registration

    Domain Name Registration | pacific Domain Name Registration | pacific

    Let’s answer the question Which domain registration providers are best?
    Top 5 Domain Registration Providers:

    • The best option for buying a domain in bulk is NameSilo.
    • Bluehost is the best option to go with web hosting.
    • Google domains are the best option for Google integration.
    • The best option for long-term registration is Domain.Com.
    • The cheapest domain registrar is Name cheap.

    Which domain registration providers have free domain names?

    • Wix
      Wix is a well-known website builder that allows you to register a free domain name, provided it includes the Wix name. This means that although you get your domain name for free, you will still see “yourdomainname.Wix.com”. This is a transaction to consider when registering a domain for free.
    • Weebly
      Like Wix, Weebly is a website builder that offers a simple domain called a free domain that appears as “yourwebsite.Weebly.com”. You will have limited access to site building features, but you will save the cost of domain names annually. This is a great option for temporary or basic websites.
    • Bluehost
      In fact, Bluehost is a web hosting provider that offers your free domain name for one year by purchasing its web hosting program. If you are looking for a web hosting provider’s domain name to buy your business online, this can save you the first year of costs by adding a domain name for free with a purchase you previously intended to make.
    • WordPress
      WordPress also offers a free domain name as “your domain name. WordPress.Com”. If you register your domain name here, you can easily create your own website with WordPress. WordPress is the most widely used content management system, so it will be easier to add functionality with plugins and get support if needed.
    • GoDaddy
      Another web hosting provider called GoDaddy offers free domains. Provided you purchase one of its hosting programs. It should be noted that GoDaddy is popular for its low rates for added hosting applications and security tools that scan for and remove malware and back up your website.

    Website domain registration fee

    It is about $ 0.99 per year. .Net and. Shop domain registration costs $ 13.99 and $ 2.99, respectively, in one year—also, the cost of registering a.Com and. Rocks domain is $ 11.99 and $ 4.99 a year, respectively.

    Office 365 or GSuite:

    Adding business emails and productivity collections costs between $ 6 and $ 15 a month.

    Several hosts allow you to purchase GSuite and Office 365 accounts at a reasonable price. The result is that you can send your business email in Gmail or Outlook.Com.

    SSL Certificates:

    The average price of such a case is about $ 50. You can get a green lock in the URL bar of a browser for your website when you have an SSL certificate. This is very important for financial transactions as well as for users to enter the website. Many websites use SSL even if they have simple pages to display information.

    The reason for this is that Google prefers most sites that use SSL to websites that do not. Most hosts today offer SSL certificates for free at different levels of the program. We recommend that you purchase a wide range of SSL certificates from A2. Because in this case, your website and visitor information will be completely secure.

    Site Lock:

    It costs an average of $ 24 a year. Site Lock features such as daily malware scans, web application firewalls, and DDoS attack protection.

    In fact, Site Lock is the only provider of complete cloud-based website protection that automatically protects your site against various threats and attacks, as well as troubleshooting. Another task is to increase the speed of your website, all of which will comply with PCI standards.

    It is so smart that its advanced technology will be able to find and remove malicious malware on your website at any time. This will ensure that your site is never blacklisted by search engines like Google. This will make your website and business always online and up to date.

    It should be noted that only a small number of hosts provide additional security for Site Lock as part of their service.

    Some hosts provide Site Lock services for free as part of their packages.


    Is Site Lock Worth the Cost? This question may be a controversial one! Try to use hosts that provide free Site Lock services to get started so that you can understand its importance.

    Website Automatic Backup and Restoration Services:

    Services for website backup Services for website backup

    In most cases, backing up a website is free and completely free. In rare cases, it may cost $ 2 or more per month. For all of us in life, some of the information on storage cards such as flash drives, hard drives, RAM, and your website information on a dedicated server and virtual server are important and vital.

    We all seek to preserve information! If one day it is removed from these hardware due to our information, we will certainly be upset, or in some cases, it will cause financial and business losses. Backup refers to copying physical and virtual files and databases to a secondary location to protect them in hardware safety equipment failure or data incidents.

    The process of backing up data for a successful disaster recovery program. The purpose of Backup is to provide fast and reliable data recovery if your hardware is compromised and your data is erased. There are three general ways to back up your files:

    1. Back up an external drive
    2. Backup via the Internet
    3. A cloud storage service

    Some programs have a free backup, but if the data disappears, it may cost you to restore it. Remember that with a little technical knowledge, you can back up your site. It is vital to pay attention to the correct operation of the backups and their timely copying.


    Note that if your website files are copied to a location where your web host server is not, you will incur costs for retrieving such information. So when launching a website you should think about backing it up.


    In this article, we first talked about the types of reliable and popular hosting. Website hosting cost in Australia was told to you according to different numbers. Each of these hosting providers had advantages and disadvantages; We told them too! Then we looked at various other costs such as Cost to switch web hosts, domain name registration, Site Lock, etc.

    What do you think about the best hosting for different businesses? Your various metrics, like Website hosting cost in Australia for each provider, are valuable to us. In the comments section, you can share your comments with other users and us. Also, if you have different experiences with any of the hosting providers, tell us too!
    You may be wondering which of these web providers is better than the others! You can contact us to get the best answer with advice

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